School UniformAll items will be available through the new uniform provider NZUniforms. We will have a sizing rack at the school once the items arrive and orders can be done through the NZ Uniform website which can be found by clicking the button below. Socks for both boys and girls will be available directly from the school office from a different supplier.
Girls – Culottes: WAS Napier Tartan culottes are to be worn all year round. Year 7&8 girls may choose to wear either the Napier culottes or Tartan skirt.
Shirts: Navy and red polo shirts. Year 7&8 students may choose to wear a white shirt.
Boys – Shorts: Navy shorts – Knee length. Navy trousers – winter.
Fleece: Navy WAS fleece
Softshell Jackets (optional): Navy softshell jackets for all students (years 1-13)
Socks – Girls: Navy ankle socks or navy knee-high socks.
Socks – Boys: Navy with red stripe socks, available from the WAS Uniform Shop.
Jersey: Year 7 & 8 students may choose to wear the merino jersey worn by the senior school instead of the polar fleece.
Shoes: Must be black shoes.
GIRLS and BOYS (Year 9-14)
Girls – Culottes or Summer Skirt: Napier tartan skirt all year round,
Boys – Shorts/Trousers: Navy shorts or navy trousers may be worn all year round,
Shirts: Girls and boys wear white collared shirts – short or long sleeves.
Merino Jersey or Vest Unisex: Both Girls and Boys can either choose to have a vest or alternatively a jersey,
Softshell Jacket (optional): Available for all students (years 1-13)
Shoes: Must be all black (with no coloured logos). Have a low heel, be a shoe not boot or ‘high tops’. They may be lace-up or slip-on. (no sneakers or running shoes)
Uniform Price List
Blazer: This is the compulsory ‘primary’ garment for Years 12 – 14. There is a girls blazer and a separate boys blazer. It must be worn to and from school and during the school day. Students may remove the blazer whilst in class or when active during break times. The Blazer must also be worn to all formal school events, such as prizegiving.
Tie: While wearing a blazer students must wear the school tie.
Optional Items
School jersey: For Year 12-14 it is an optional item which is worn under a blazer, and may be worn year round. It may not be worn instead of the blazer by Year 12-13.
School scarf and beanie/cap: May be worn year round. Hats may not be worn inside the classroom.
Rain Coat: Plain navy rain coat Belt – Must be plain black leather with a plain silver buckle.
Tie: Optional for Years 9-11 but must be worn if wearing a school blazer and may be required for formal events such as prizegiving.
PE TShirt: Red and Navy Waiau PE Shirt with logo (Compulsory)
PE Singlet: Red and Navy Waiau PE Singlet with logo can be purchased.
PE Shorts: Plain Navy – two options will be available from the supplier, Thigh or Knee length options (Compulsory)
PE Socks: Plain White – The school will have a plain white sock available that has Waiau written into the sock but a plain white sock is acceptable (Compulsory)
Sports Hoodie: This is an optional extra that students may purchase for Sports and PE events but may not be worn during general school hours.
PE/Sport Waiau Tracksuit Trousers and Jacket: These will be held and provided by the school as needed for any students who are representing the school at sports events such as the Area School competition
For any uniform-related questions, please phone the school office on (03) 226 6285